Challenge  After the mission statement was finalized, the next challenge for SATO Global Solutions (SGS) was to develop presentations and other materials in preparation for the company’s Grand Opening, which was only 3 weeks away!  Hundreds of commu
 Based on the data gathered, I led the team to a consensus on our initial markets, products, and services for the Retail, Food Service, and Healthcare industries. Our assessment of the levels of technical and business acumen of expected visitors dict
 With these issues resolved, I put together a plan prioritizing work for Phase 1 (Grand Opening), Phase 2 (immediate next steps), and beyond.  Results  The team agreed that having the website content ready for the Grand Opening was our #1 priority, t
 Next, I authored all of the content. 
 Since Grand Opening was an on-premises event, I also arranged for our new website to be running on an interactive touchscreen during the party. In addition, I prepared key messaging for the Registration area, and even wrote the announcements that we
Brenda Food Produce Farm to Table Recall 2.PNG
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