Innovative solutions to the challenges facing your company and your customers


My name is Brenda Horowitz. As a User Experience professional, I’m committed to deeply understanding your business’ needs and those of your customers. My goal is to craft delightful experiences that not only help your customers get the most from their investment in your products or services, but also turn those customers into loyal advocates for your company.

I take pride in my abilities to:

  •  See the big picture
  •  Approach challenges from different angles
  •  Gather and analyze data
  •  Propose solutions to "never been done before" problems
  •  Welcome and build on diverse points of view
  •  Lead teams to consensus

I’ve worked as an employee or consultant at for-profit and non-profit companies, including start-ups, mid-sized businesses, and large enterprises. I’ve served on teams to create and enhance computer products for technical and end users of mobile, cloud, desktop, server, and network devices, and have also collaborated on the delivery of consumer goods and services. 

Through these diverse experiences, I’ve developed a broad range of skills and expertise in Design Thinking, Research, User Experience, Content Development, Testing, Training, and ManagementMy contributions have included:

  • Strategic Business Planning
  • Market Analysis
  • Customer Research
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Persona and Scenario Development
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Competitive Product Analysis
  • End-to-End User Experience Planning
  • Content Strategy and Information Architecture
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Product Design - Workflows, Paper Prototypes, and Wireframes
  • Content Development and Curation - Website, Marketing Collateral, User Interface, Help, Demos, Technical Manuals, and End User Documentation
  • Testing - Prototype Iteration, Quality Assurance, Beta, and User Acceptance
  • Curriculum Development and Training - for Educators, Expert Users, and Novices
  • Customer Support
  • People and Project Management
  • Customer and Vendor Relations
  • Process Improvement

I invite you to view my portfolio and to read more about my experiences below, and am always happy to speak with you about your specific needs and how I might be of assistance.


NOTE: Business and personal ethics are important to me. I do not show confidential designs from previous jobs that have not been made public. While this does limit what I am able to showcase in my portfolio, the companies and people I want to work with value this type of integrity.