Challenge  For this project, I worked on mobile and  Windows  applications. One enabled retail stores to better manage their inventory, while the other allowed in-store customers to get more information about the products they brought into the dress
 Based on the needs of these Personas, we adopted some core design principles:  Exception-based UI - Highlight information that differs from users' expectations Actionable information - Translate raw data into meaningful information that users can ac
 Then we proceeded to create user stories in StoriesOnBoard, so we could assign them to Agile sprints.
 As we began work on each story, we created multiple paper prototype designs. We reviewed these designs with stakeholders, and iterated on them until everyone was satisfied. At that point, I created step-by-step mockups in Balsamiq.
 As the designs progressed, we created higher fidelity prototypes in Adobe Illustrator. We also conducted live walk-throughs in our Retail showroom, to understand how the entire experience would flow.
 Lastly, we tested the final version of each app on the target devices.
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